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Monday, June 26, 2006

Things I have learned and things I want to know...

Things I Have Learned
1- don't let your car get less than 1/4 (or 1/2 really) a tank of gas. This makes your fuel pump work harder. This was the final diagnosis of my car, which is now fixed.

2-women in their twenties need a vaccination against Whooping Cough (Pertussis). According to a pediatrician, women in their twenties can get it, pass it on, etc.

Things I Want to Know
1-is making your own bread cheaper and/or healthier. I have noticed the homemakery type sites really talking about bread starters and such. I just don't think that bread is that expensive to buy and we can get all kinds.

2-does sewing your own clothes really save money? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Enjoyed the post. I've concluded that clothes-making is out. It's just not efficient, unless it's the skill you enjoy honing and want to develop. I sometimes get overwhelmed at all the home-making type things there are to do (and the people who brag about all the bread and garments they've made). And no one person can do it all...i think you just have to pick a couple of things you want to pursue and go with it. I'm trying to convince myself of that as i always feel guilty that i can't do it all.

I'm with you on the bread question...just b/c it seems so cool to make your own. BUT We buy ours at Great Harvest and freeze it. I don't see how it could be much cheaper than that. I guess that falls in that same category you do it b/c you enjoy it and want it to be a tradition, or choose a different pursuit based upon your interests?