Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Little girls!

Yesterday afternoon I decided that I needed to organize Sydney's toys AGAIN. Unfortunately, her room has become a haven for bags of clothes, toys, and other baby items that she isn't using. It is hard to pack things up and put them away. I am tempted to be organized as I pack away her clothes but I know that matching tops and bottoms are not ending up in the same bag sometimes. I really want to get her summer clothes down from the attic so they can go to a consignment store. Her winter clothes would not be desirable at this point so I will have to remember to get them out this fall. After almost a year and a half, I still can't decide if folding or hanging clothes is better for her/me. It would make sense to hang dresses and fold other things but you would need to actually be able to get into her closet to get to the dresses.

Anyway, back to the toy organizing. I gathered all the toys yesterday and put them in the sun room. This morning I sorted them and found all the coins to the piggy bank toy, the rings to the ring stacker thing, and the shapes to the shape sorter. Those are now going on a shelf in the closet with the puzzles and we will play with them during a concentrated play time. The toys are no fun when you can only find two of the pieces. That makes for a really short game. Of course our house is a wreck now and Sydney keeps taking the toys out of their respective piles as I put them in.

I went to the doctor on Monday and I am now to go every two weeks. I had very low iron so now I am taking supplements. I hope if feel better soon because I have been really tired lately.

Sydney has been playing with her baby doll a lot lately. She is very interested in my belly button (or what is left of it) but refuses to touch it so she grabs my finger and makes me touch it instead. She said nana for banana the other day and last night she was humming to the alphabet song on one of her toys. When we were in Monroe the other week she and Ava (my friend's little girl) sat in one of the car carts (this was the one with the car on the front bottom) and had a great time. Yesterday my plan was to put her in one so our shopping trip (the one where she is up by me and facing out) would be potentially less of a pain. When we got there though I just couldn't do it. Have you seen the size of those things? It looked really dirty too. I have said for a while that they need to make regular carts so you can turn them towards the basket. She is always wanting to turn that way to see everything. At the store we bought some new fruit (kiwi and papaya) for her to try. I think we will do that today during our snack. We discovered that she loves strawberries the other night so she has been eating them quite a bit.

Well, back to the house while she is sleeping!

1 comment:

Cammie said...

i have the same problems with kate's clothes. i have been saving the boxes from all the cases of diapers i buy, and then when she outgrows clothes, i put them in the boxes, stacked high in her closet, but right now i don't even know what sizes are where! it's really bugging me.
i also checked out the martha stewart stuff, it's so cool, but it's so expensive. i found some GREAT stuff on the aisle right behind it, some no name brand junk that was even cuter. i think martha stewart just wants to make us feel like we cant do anything because she can do it all. in fact, when i surveyed the woman working at michaels, she said some of the m.stewart stuff looked really cheap.
i love your blog. i don't know how you do it being pregnant with another little one! my hat is off to you!