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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Gym

So Adam and I joined a gym. We needed to do it by Tuesday to get the reimbursement from his work for this quarter. It is awesome that they are doing this for their employees. We decided to go with the St. Dominic's version of the Baptist Healthplex. It is called Healthline. It is considerably smaller, but much nicer in the convenience and equipment departments. It has a pool, which I may never use, but one thing that I am really excited about is the weight machine system they have there. Your information is programmed into the machines so you can enter your pin number and it will adjust to your settings, your reps, sets, and range of motion. It keeps track of your workouts and you can print them and your progress whenever you want. After 12 workouts on a machine it will prompt you to do a strength test and up your weight. It also sports mostly older ladies and gentlemen so I don't have that intimidation factor when I am trying to do my weights in the mornings. I go on Friday morning to get set up with that. Last night, I did my fitness assessment. Basically, a guy named Jason weighed me, pinched me, and timed me all to tell me at the end that I am basically obese (according to my body fat percentage), in "fair" shape (this based on me doing as many sit ups as I can in one minute with my post c-section abs), and that I am average in flexibility (no argument there, I feel as stiff as is humanly possible). Well, that was all great to hear coming on the heels of a zero pound weight loss this week. I guess I have hit a plateau. Good thing I am gym bound now. I plan to run outside as I have been doing and use the gym for weights, the occasional class, and doing my running on days when I can't get out during the daylight hours (I don't run by myself at night or early morning). I am charting my progress and dieting woes during all this so I can look back and laugh at it once I am a size 2. Maybe I will share it later to inspire someone else.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and when you're a size "2" you and I(being a size "2" too, of course) will ride a flying unicorn in the sky and take a nap on the clouds :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I didn't mean that like it might have read.I was just kidding. I picked up on your sarcasm on the size "2" thing and just took it one step further. Okay, now it's funny :-)

Anonymous said...

Aren't "plateaus" frustrating? I hate them with every ounce of my being.

Jessica QW said...

Well, Adam says that this isn't a plateau. It is just that I am not doing everything I need to do consistently. Typical coming from a skinny person.