Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Going, going, gone.

Last night, I tumbled down our back steps into the carport. I guess technically I fell off the side of one of the lower steps because there was a chair in the way and ended up flat out on the floor and wearing only one shoe. Keeping the shoe on would have saved me from breaking (or at least severely injuring) my pinkie toe. I am not letting this get in the way of my trip to Mistletoe tomorrow. I have suffered many a year in uncomfortable shoes so I could feel Christmas-y while I shopped. Seriously, Mistletoe Market is one of the few things I look forward to every year. It sort of launches the season for me. This year, Adam is attending with me. I have talked about it so much that Adam wants to experience the madness first hand. My one goal this year is to get a stocking for Morgan that matches Sydney's at Orient Expressed. They have more of a selection than they do online. Mostly, I like to see how many times I can say "I could make that myself" and then never do it.

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