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Saturday, August 19, 2006

What's Up

I have been cleaning out the house and trying to find a place for everything. Sydney is getting bigger by the minute. I think she may be getting a tooth but she will not let me look for anything. Every time pull her bottom lip down she sticks her tongue out and hides her lower gums. I can feel something sharp but I really want to look at it. I did catch a glimpse the other night a McAllister's. Later Cherri (my Aunt) and I tried to use a Clinque mirror key chain to view inside her mouth. Ok, I used the key chain and Cherri watched.

Today, Adam and I put Sydney in her bathing suit. Unfortunately, she outgrew her one piece before she ever wore it. I would suspect that little girl bathing suits are just as hard to find the right fit as ours. I think that is why two pieces are a popular choice for the babies. Their little bellies can just hang out and why not take advantage of the only time in your life when rolls and big bellies are a desirable quality?

My brother and his wife, Amanda, are going to have a baby soon. It is a girl so Sydney will have someone to play with now. It is amazing to me how much a few months make a difference when they are little babies. They change so fast. Ok, now I am sounding like a boring mother. I promise I will only write when I have something interesting to say. Otherwise, I will just give you what you really want. Pictures.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Hey Jessica,
Yes people who visit my blog only want pictures too. I think that's a nice way of them telling me I bore them with my words. I love your writing though. I never know when to write--yes only when you have something important to say--but I always wonder where to draw the line.

You crack me up with the mirror and tooth viewing. I fear the day when Joseph shines a tooth. I say the breastfeeding might end on that day.